Jun Fan Martial Arts
Founded by the late Bruce Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu incorporates elements of the Wing Chun Kung Fu system which Bruce Lee modified, and utilises various training methods such as trapping, energy drills, and wooden dummy forms. Jun Fan Kickboxing incorporates elements of western boxing combined with the kicking methods from other martial arts systems including the Korean and Japanese arts. Combining drills which feature punching, kicking, trapping, take-downs and grappling and use ‘alive’ equipment such as focus pads, allows the student to escape static drilling , encouraging un-rehearsed movements which are more likely to be encountered in combat. Jun Fan Gung Fu is also an excellent method of aerobic and muscular endurance conditioning.
Filipino Martial Arts - Kali
A very comprehensive art addressing all ranges of combat, Filipino Martial Arts combines both weaponry and empty hand methods. Weaponry used includes single stick, double stick, single knife, double knife, stick and knife and flexible weapons. These weapons may be translated into normal everyday items such as a rolled up newspaper for self-defence purposes. The student learns the various angles of attack and this then assists in practising disarms and counter techniques.
Filipino Martial Arts - Panantukan
Panantukan is one element of the empty hand phase of Kali, and is often referred to as “Filipino boxing”. Similar in structure to western boxing (but without the sport’s limitations), Panantukan allows the person to use all elements of the upper body and targets may include eyes, groin and nerve points. The system also incorporates the disturbance of an opponent’s body balance and manipulation of their limbs.
The art of ground fighting. The type of grappling we currently study takes its form from a number of systems. Combining pins, escapes, arm bars, leg locks and chokes from Judo, Brazilian Ju Jitsu and Kali. Occasionally, this can also incorporate striking simultaneously. Our form of grappling does not necessarily always end up on the mats, it can be applied from a standing position, ideal for control and restraint purposes.
Student Progression
Student Grades & Phases
All students are graded under Sensei Jason Boh in accordance with the school’s curriculum. There are 6 grades to black belt (excluding white) and the curriculum is divided into 3 main areas:
Beginner Phase, Intermediate Phase, Advanced Phase.

The assessment criteria contains a pedigree of arts we teach and a combination of systems passed onto Sensei by his teachers. Students are graded in SMA which encompass the following:
Juniors – Jun Fan Gung Fu/Kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do Concepts
Seniors – Jun Fan Gung Fu/Kickboxing, Filipino Martial Arts, Jeet Kune Do Concepts
Gradings are held every three to four months and are conducted formally at a pre-arranged date and time. Students are asked to demonstrate the material they have been training, appropriate to their level. This forms an ideal summary of the students development and also acts as a useful tool to pressure test the students character.
Striped belts are awarded in between full grades as part of the grading process.
Students must be invited to attend a grading examination. Continual assessment takes place during every class and Instructors observe ability, attendance, discipline and attitude. Instructors must feel confident the student will pass the assessment if they are to be put forward to grade under Sensei.
Instructor Program
Jason Boh’s School Of Martial Arts certifies students as an Instructor in SMA under Jason Boh. The normal entry requirement is black belt in any art, however, Sensei may use discretion and also invite private students onto the program.
Potential Instructors do not necessarily need to be SMA based. This makes an ideal opportunity for other School owners/Instructors to add to their existing skills, if they are unable to attend SMA classes. Individuals will work through the SMA curriculum with a view to at some point, gaining Instructorship and permission to teach the systems within.
Instructor ranking is as follows:
• Trainee Instructor 1 – 3 (non certified)
• Level 1 – 5 Instructor
• Level 6 Full Instructor